Free shipping on all U.S. orders


Customers have 24 hours from which they receive their items (confirmed by tracking info) to contact us about any issues regarding their purchases, after the 24 hour period we reserve the right to reject any returns or exchanges. Pictures may be required for some returns and/or exchanges.

To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must qualify as defective or damaged.

We do NOT accept returns or exchanges If an item you purchased happens to not be within your style or liking, that is why we do offer our customers a sample option.

REFUNDS are NOT issued under any condition, once your order has been placed, if you have further questions regards to a refund, please contact us via email. You may modify your order by emailing us within 24 hours of time of purchase.

Following are the conditions that apply to returns of products:

  1. Only products that are damaged or defective upon delivery may be returned for a refund or exchange. Photos of damaged or defective product are required to accompany refund or exchange claim made in writing to
  2. Products must be returned to Company within 7 days of delivery using a mailing method that allows for shipment tracking. Company will provide return label via email correspondence upon receipt of damage or defect.
  3. You should inspect products for damage upon delivery. If you notice any damage or believe a product is defective, you should contact us immediately to file a report. Upon receipt, Company will make a determination, in its reasonable discretion, whether a product claimed to be damaged or defective was actually damaged or defective when originally delivered to you.
  4. Products must be returned with the original shipping box, packing materials and a copy of the shipping invoice.
  5. Refunds will only be issued in the same form as was used for payment.
  6. Shipping charges are non-refundable if expedited shipping was selected at time of purchase. Replacement products will be shipped free of charge, except where expedited shipping is requested.
  7. Returned products should be shipped to the following address:
  8. We will not accept merchandise that has been used, altered, or damaged. Company is not responsible in the event that returned packages are lost, stolen, or mishandled. 
  9. We reserves the right to refuse to refund or exchange any product that does not meet the above requirements.
  10. Shipping charges are non-refundable. However, if approved, replacement products will be shipped free of charge, except where expedited shipping is requested.